
Outdoor Play for Toddlers

Through a Teacher's Eyes: What I've Learned From Two Decades Teaching Toddlers

Sara Ruiz | February 2025

My career as an early childhood teacher began as a happy accident. As an enthusiastic young woman working in aerospace, I would come home deflated at the end of the day, while my older sister who worked with young children would return beaming, covered in mud or markers. She encouraged me to give her line of work a try, and now I’m the one sitting in the sandbox in the sunshine, day in and day out.  

A child playing with a mud kitchen nature tray

For over two decades now, I’ve had the privilege of spending my days with toddlers. I’ve learned a lot, especially working alongside my colleagues at the Child Educational Center (CEC) in La Canada, California, where I’ve spent most of my career. After first arriving at the nature-based center overwhelmed at the prospect of managing all those bustling children, I now understand the underlying principles that make it such a happy place, and daily I see the depth of learning that happens when we simply give children the gift of time.

Here are a few insights I’ve gleaned as a veteran toddler teacher–particularly at a center that values outdoor play. 

There’s a Method to the Madness

At the CEC, children are allowed to move freely between the indoor classroom and the outdoor classroom. When I first arrived at the center, I didn’t understand how this “open-door” policy would work in practice. But I quickly learned a few keys to providing a safe and happy experience. 

The first is obvious: adequate supervision. Enough teachers to adequately care for all the children, as they flow in and out. 

Second, creating environments that are completely child-safe and age appropriate. This safe environment allows children to see their curiosity through without interruption.  

As part of my morning routine I always scan the outdoor environment before children arrive. During this time I check for anything harmful, e.g., mushrooms, animal feces, dead animals, or trash that someone might have thrown over the fence. I also check for poisonous plants. It’s important to know what plants are toxic for children. Some plants might be OK for adults but not for children. This includes indoor plants. Don’t add a plant to your environment until you know if it’s safe.   

At the CEC we believe that children should be able to play with water year-round, but we make sure that water play is always supervised no matter how shallow the water. If I am not in a position to supervise, then I make sure water is not available until more support has arrived. Covering up any leftover water puddles in the sandbox is also important, to avoid having water in areas that aren’t adequately supervised.  

Safety also includes thinking about the height of toys and play equipment. Items should be easily accessible to children or at eye level, so they don’t have to use a stool or ladder to reach them. Climbing structures should also have a fall zone—a surrounding area with a resilient surface like wood fiber or rubber.

With safety in place, we can move on to the third key, which is perhaps the most often overlooked: an intentional environment that is clutter-free and inviting. Children are just like us in that they are overwhelmed by clutter and frustrated when things are difficult to access. We can show respect for children and prime the environment for a happy experience by keeping things organized and presenting toys and activities in an attractive way. Pencils are sharp and the playdough isn’t dry. We won’t have twenty buckets out, but maybe start with three. Doll clothes are nicely folded rather than just tossed in a basket. Central to this is outdoor storage which allows us to get what we need without a big hassle that interrupts the flow of play.  

These things are simple but they make a big impact, showing our respect for children and the learning that happens through play. 

Children playing with an Outlast tunnel

The Gift of Time 

In a world where so often children’s lives are being dictated by the fast-paced and rigid structure of adults, giving children the freedom to play, explore, and discover in their own time is absolutely precious. At the CEC, we cultivate a “yes environment.” We curate the environment to enable children as much as possible, limiting the amount of redirecting or limiting children’s play choices (e.g., “Don’t do that!” or “Get down”) that we have to do. With this environment we can give the children enough of a schedule so that there’s routine, but also prioritize flexibility, knowing that each child is a unique individual. This is a privilege that isn’t always given, but the difference it makes for children and their caregivers is night and day. 

After some time working at the CEC, my family moved to Orange County, California, and I started teaching at a different center with children from a very disadvantaged area. Difficult family situations forced these children to grow up faster than they should have. I couldn’t believe the things they were forced to cope with, and I poured my heart and soul into their care. While I couldn’t change their circumstances, I could bring them some of what I had learned at the CEC: namely time to play uninterrupted, especially outdoors. It was an incredibly meaningful experience. While I ultimately returned to Los Angeles and the CEC, I’ll always remember how the gift of time affected these children.

Gentle Observation and Facilitating Play

At the CEC, we practice what’s called “gentle observation.” In practice this means that when I come in to be with the children, I’m not distracted, talking to adults, but instead I get quiet and get on the children’s level to observe how they are and what they’re doing. This way I can assess what they might need, and set up the environment to support their play. This also involves working with your co-teachers. “What are you seeing? Is it different to what I’m seeing?” If we observe a child struggling, we can come to a consensus about what they might need. For example, if a child is wanting to throw things, I try to provide them with a safe way to do that. If he seems bored with the balls that are always out, what about bean bags instead? 

In our outdoor space, we try to set up the areas in ways that are inviting to children, often riffing off of what we’ve noticed they were interested in doing. For example, if we noticed they were playing as if the kitchen set-up were a restaurant, the next time we might set it up as a restaurant for them to carry on their idea.

With toddlers, we as teachers can pave the way for their imaginations by supplying them with tools and vocabulary to explore their ideas. They are often inspired by books we’ve read or experiences from home, like cooking pasta or pouring a cup of milk. When I observe this, I can support it further by offering real-world materials, like a large spoon or pasta pot. I can also give them the language to describe what they’re doing. This not only deepens their play but also expands their vocabulary.

A teacher and child smelling a flower outside

Outdoors as a Universal Escape 

From observing countless children playing outdoors, I deeply believe in nature’s power to provide children with a place to escape the normal constraints on their time and attention.

Whether they’re an only child from a well-off family, or one of many siblings with a busy home life, when they are playing outside they know just what to do. Some may need time alone playing in the sandbox. Others will immediately become deeply engaged in a mud-making project. Children have important work to do outside, if we give them the time and space to do it. 

And children aren’t the only ones who benefit from time spent outside. I remember one day during the COVID-19 pandemic when things really got on top of me emotionally. I felt like the walls were caving in. My husband pointed out that I hadn’t been outside all day. Especially as an outdoor teacher, I was really missing that time outdoors. So we made it a priority again.  

No matter who you are, the great outdoors is always available as a place to unwind and connect. For children, it’s a universal place to become immersed in play.

A World of Wonder and Discovery 

Every day for a toddler is full of wonder and discovery. Dipping a paint brush into paint and making marks on paper. Hearing and watching a hawk fly overhead. Feeling a worm wiggling on your hand. All of these “firsts” for toddlers are magical moments that they soak up like a sponge. It’s amazing to witness how a simple experience brings such surprise and delight. In these moments, there is often much more going on than meets the eye. It may look like they’re not doing much, but they are learning constantly!  

Right now the leaves are falling in our yard, and the children are starting to gather them. This has provided us with endless learning opportunities. Gathering the leaves, they notice the differences between brown, yellow, and red leaves. That’s learning colors. This experience can be referenced later for further sensory development: “Remember when we found that yellow leaf? I have some yellow paint, do you want to see what you can do with it?” 

While collecting leaves, they start to realize there’s a limit to how many leaves they can carry in their little hands, so they go and get a bucket. They see that the more leaves they put in, the fuller the bucket gets. That’s a foundation for math, without them even realizing it. One learning experience can lead to the next, creating a tapestry of meaningful discoveries. 

Children playing with an Outlast crate

Nurturing Care for the Earth 

The youngest generations receive a lot of messages from society about climate change and their role in saving the Earth. How can they grow into adults who care for the environment, without a love and appreciation for the natural world fostered from an early age?

When they’re older, they may not remember those days picking up leaves or getting dirty in the mud, but they will be friends with nature.  

Technology is here to stay, but we can’t allow our children to be so busy with it that going outside feels like a task rather than a gift. Let’s get them outside and make it fun and meaningful. I believe that’s how we will find ourselves with adults who care about preserving the environment.

Final Thoughts 

At the end of the day, it’s important that we as teachers remain present for the wonderful little humans in our care who are just itching to learn.

By giving children the gift of time, especially outdoors, we create opportunities for them to embrace their natural curiosity and wonder. With freedom, respect, and intentional guidance, children will build a strong foundation through play, fostering growth into well-rounded adults who care for others and the world around them.

Learning comes naturally to children. As educators let’s do all we can to ensure they have opportunities for meaningful and immersive outdoor play.

Outdoor Classroom, Teachers Role as Facilitator
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