
Christmas Craft: From Wood Scraps to Photo Holder

Community Playthings | December 2024

Children are natural givers—they love giving gifts, especially their own creations. And the holiday season is an ideal time to center this practice. 

This project brings together gift-giving and wood construction. By providing wooden clothespins, children can make photo or recipe card holders out of their wooden creations.  

Figuring out how to build a structure with uneven wood is an experience chock-full of learning opportunities. Their minds, fingers, and emotions will all be at work to succeed with their design. 

One pre-k class decided to make animals and add googly eyes (see pictured example). Feel free to try holiday characters or add your own twist.  

You will need:

  • Variety of small scraps of wood
  • School glue
  • Wooden clothespins
  • Googly eyes (optional)

Craft materials


  1. Provide a bin of wood scraps for each child to choose from. 
  2. Consider discussing with the child what they are going to make and what shapes they might use to make it. 
  3. Attach a clothespin to the upper portion of the creation. 
  4. Dry overnight. 
  5. Add googly eyes and a ribbon and it’s ready to gift.


A child building a wooden craft

Hint: Have the child build their construction before adding glue. 

A child gluing wooden pieces

You can never have enough glue! Once completed let it dry for a while.

A finished wooden craft

Ready to gift!

Projects and Activities, Art
Early years